Sermon Archive (Page 8) Evelyn Mishler Memorial Service December 2, 2023 Nick Droge The Cross, The Throne November 26, 2023 Nick Droge After Pentecost Ephesians, Ezekiel, Matthew, Psalms Julie Wentland Memorial Service November 25, 2023 Let Your Talents Shine November 19, 2023 Sheldon Flom After Pentecost 1 Thessalonians, Matthew, Psalms, Zephaniah Actor, Director, or Audience November 12, 2023 Sara Frazer After Pentecost 1 Thessalonians, Amos, Matthew, Psalms Communion of Saints November 5, 2023 Nick Droge After Pentecost 1 John, Matthew, Psalms, Revelation Grace, Not Works October 29, 2023 Nick Droge After Pentecost Jeremiah, John, Psalms, Romans Give to God what is God’s October 22, 2023 Kim Howard After Pentecost 1 Thessalonians, Isaiah, Matthew, Psalms Party On! October 15, 2023 James Howard After Pentecost Isaiah, Matthew, Philippians, Psalms Repentance not Violence October 8, 2023 Nick Droge After Pentecost Isaiah, Matthew, Philippians, Psalms
The Cross, The Throne November 26, 2023 Nick Droge After Pentecost Ephesians, Ezekiel, Matthew, Psalms
Let Your Talents Shine November 19, 2023 Sheldon Flom After Pentecost 1 Thessalonians, Matthew, Psalms, Zephaniah
Actor, Director, or Audience November 12, 2023 Sara Frazer After Pentecost 1 Thessalonians, Amos, Matthew, Psalms
Give to God what is God’s October 22, 2023 Kim Howard After Pentecost 1 Thessalonians, Isaiah, Matthew, Psalms
Repentance not Violence October 8, 2023 Nick Droge After Pentecost Isaiah, Matthew, Philippians, Psalms